Two nights ago I went to sleep with two corn rows down the sides of my head with the ends tied in rubber bands... Tonight, there are no braids, no rubber bands, not even a part to be made. So what kind of method can I introduce to my hair during the night to keep it hydrated? I have been doing much research prior to this milestone and considered doing my first "baggy".
1. co-washed with Beauty4Ashes Max Moisture & Gro Conditioner
2. saturated my hair with Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in Conditioning Repair Cream
3. used a wide tooth comb to stretch curls and make sure product is evenly through hair
4. with my BioINFUSION Olive Oil Shine Serum in the palm of my hands, I ran my hands
over the TOP of my curls to seal the ends
5. placed plastic bag over my head and placed a headband tightly to hold it down (around my forehead)
6. folded the access bag back to ensure coverage of the nape area, and covered all with a cotton head scarf. (since my hair wasn't exposed I didn't feel the need to use a silk one, and the cotton would stay put through the night
And that's it!
- GotCurls?
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